          檢疑陳致遠 涉未曝光簽賭集團 檢疑陳致遠 涉未曝光簽賭集團地檢署襄閱主任檢察官鄭鑫宏昨指出,情資顯示陳致遠確實不認識「雨刷」,但這不等同於他與簽賭集團假球案無關,也不影響檢方的偵辦;檢方懷疑他與另一尚未曝光的簽賭集團有關,但這部分仍待交叉比對後才能確認,目前不便透露。 陳致遠, you need to do your citizen's duty 翻譯社to openly tell the public what's going on like I am doing, you need to do your citizen's duty to point out those 簽賭集團 because they are all underground chained slavery terrors force slaved by US evilest liars politicians gangsters, you have to openly tell those 假賭 slave crimes, so that yo 花蓮民宿u can help them out of USA evilest liars politicians gangsters blacken hells. You 陳致遠 are the lowest level of people, therefore, no matter what wrong you have done, your government owned 檢察官 must have no right to criminized you, the only consequence you should suffer is to be fired by your own team owner. 房地產 Because 假賭 is NOT a crime, most of you the people did it that Chinese said "Dot.賭", that Western said "You bit", the crime is "Slave" that USA evilest liars politicians gangsters committed in Taiwan, your 檢察官 has no right to deal with USA evilest liars politicians hide inside USA, but he can have right to demand the rest o 租房子f the world 檢察官 to arrest (Because USA official eating tax payers public fund to travel out of USA instead of showing the ability to rely on writing to get thing done like I am doing, already showed that official committed abusive crime, therefore, that local 檢察官 has all his duty and right to arrest that USA official immediately [Therefore, I 西裝外套realized how come USA must have to cut official tie with Taiwan, must because they want to show their sucking look down at Taiwan, therefore, they invited themself want to visit Taiwan, got the nerve offended that 檢察官 that working along with "JohnKayShake" administration, therefore, the pen of "JohnKayShake" must have to alert that sucking USA official that their entire 辦公室出租self invited team can be arrested by the Taiwan檢察官 because that public abusive crime showed their travelling out of their own nation given him the reasonable of doubt to arrest them all. Once arrested, they all must have to be guilty until proved innocent. That how you have all your right and duty to kill all your existing Presidents, because they all committed that abuive crime eating your tax p 裝潢ayers public fund stepping on USA soil, because Presidents <You cannot even be good enough to rely on your pen to write to communicate anyone, you should have that honset guts to hide your shame inside your own President House, you dare abuse your President power to eat public fund to travel out of your own place to show your shameless suck, you must more deserve to be killed than any criminal, not mention your enem 烤肉食材y.>must be subjected to the highest standard, once tried, must be killed, because they know too much to afford jail lies, that how sucking coward MarInnJoe "Town.Sheng.Pot.4" wants to rely on ChenSwayBen jailed case to give himself the path and stick to have that ChenSwayBen example for his own jail lie to get away out of his and their "Monk.Ten.Dot.Jway" die. ] not only just demanding that USA official must have to be guilty until 租屋網 proved innocent, most important point is that local 檢察官must have to do his duty to protect their own people and politician suckers from pressed bought scared threatened to fall into that sucking USA official's slavery plot or framed lie.) anyone of them when they are leaving USA to enter anyone of their country or district.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 面膜  .

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